This post originally appeared on NP HUBMicrophone in Conference Seminar room Event Background March 15, 2016 I’m packing my bags and counting down the days to AFP International in Boston!  I hope you’ll come say hi to me in one of my sessions:  “Relationship Fundraising” on Sunday at 12:30 with Adrian Sargeant and Jay Love or “Why Midlevel Donors are Sweeter than Christmas Morning” with Mark Rovner and Mohit Pramanik on Tuesday at 3:15.  We’ve got lots of free fundraising goodies waiting for you at the Pursuant booth 1216, so come say hi!


Spending 3 days getting inspired by fundraising thought leaders and seeing “best of” campaigns from around the world is like my own personal Christmas.  Last year’s AFP boasted a star studded keynote line up with Seth Godin, Whoopi Goldberg and Isabel Allende but my favorite session was “Everything You Know about Donor Decision Making is Wrong” by Alan Hutson and Bernard Ross.  Who am I most excited to see this year?  The list is long!  Enjoy my cheat sheet of can’t miss sessions in alphabetical order…


  1. Tom Ahern

I am a mega fan of Tom Ahern (who isn’t?).  Even if you’ve already seen his Loverizing Your Donor before there’s new guaranteed pearls of wisdom every time.  This year he’s also doing a session on “Making Money on Facebook: Yes, it can be done.”


  1. Roger Craver, Editor The Agitator

I’m a huge fan of Roger’s book, Retention Fundraising: The Art and Science of Keeping Your Donors for Life and excited for his session on “Rebels with Causes – Fundraising as a Driver of Social Change”.


  1. NPExperts: Shanon Doolittle (Shanon Doolittle + Co.) & Mark Rovner (Sea Change Strategies)

Two of my all-time favorite humans TOGETHER in one session?  It’s like fundraising is throwing a party and everyone’s invited!  Shanon is pure fundraising joy and Mark is like the defense attorney for great donor experiences.  Ready to get inspired with great stewardship ideas and a renewed passion for fundraising?  Join them for “The Future of Fundraising NP Experts panel”.  You can also see Shanon as part of another dynamic duo with the incomparable Beth Ann Locke in their session “10 Habits of Highly Successful Fundraisers”.


  1. Anne Melvin, Director of Training and Education at Harvard

Anne’s session “The Art and Science of Fundraising Persuasion” promises to show us how to apply social science principles to get donors to a yes.


  1. Mark Rovner (Sea Change Strategies) & Mohit Pramanik, Save the Children Canada

I’m honored to get to partner with these two in “Why Midlevel Donors are Sweeter than Christmas Morning”.  Join us to get tools, insight and inspiration to launch a successful midlevel program.


  1. Adrian Sargeant, Director of the Centre for Sustainable Philanthropy

I’m honored to get to present with Adrian, Jay Love and Ian MacQuillin in Relationship Fundraising: Where do we go from here?  Join us to get critical insight into the donor journey and what strategies work best when!  You’ve got two more chances to see Adrian at this years AFP, in the Rebels, Renegades & Pioneer's Session: "You can't be truly a profession without academic research." Or is fundraising somehow the exception? and “You Can Raise Major Gifts at Your Small Shop: Research Proven Methods and Best Practices” with Amy Eisenstein and Jay Love.


  1. Stephen Pidgeon

I love Stephen’s book Love Your Donors to Death and expect great things from his copy clinic “Be More Creative in Communication with Supporters”.

  1. Bernard Ross and Alan Hutson

Last year these two knocked it out of the park in their standing room only session on behavioral economics and the great news is they are back in “Behavioral Economics: the Science of Fundraising Psychology”.  Catch Bernard in another session with Angela Cluff “Global Fundraising: 5 campaigns that will change your ideas.”


  1. Stephen Shattuck

I am a huge fan of Stephen and expect session “The Art and Science of Retaining Digital Donors” will be a huge hit.


  1. Gail Perry

Nonprofits struggling to get their board members fundraising can look forward to some hands on help in Gail’s session, “Teach Your Board Members to Open Doors to New Major Gifts Prospects”.


I hope to see you in Boston at one of my sessions or at the Pursuant booth, #1216.   Come say hi!